Synthetic Dubbings
Among all fly tying materials, synthetic dubbings represent a very important group. They are more and more commonly used in making the bodies and practically all types of artificial flies. Dry and wet flies, streamers, and especially nymphs made with the use of synthetic dubbing are often much more successful than those made of natural dubbing.
All fly fishermen who make their artificial flies on their own should have in their workshops a complete assortment of synthetic dubbing materials.
1,89 €
Hemingway's Ice Dubbing
1,89 €
Hemingway's UV Dubbing
1,99 €
Hends Beaver Dubbing
1,29 €
Hends Blend Dubbing
1,39 €
Hends Gleamy Dubbing
1,89 €
Hends Killer Dubbing
1,49 €
Hends Metal Fiber
1,59 €
Hends Metalic Dubbing
1,59 €
Hends Peacock Dubbing
1,59 €
Hends Spectra Dubbing
1,39 €
Hends Superfine Dubbing
1,39 €
Hends UV-Blend Dubbing
1,59 €
Hends UV-Ice Dubbing
4,29 €
Soldarini CDC Dubbing
1,79 €
Sybai Baitfish Dubbing
2,09 €
Sybai Electric Dubbing
1,99 €
Sybai Fine Camel Dubbing
1,79 €
Sybai Fine Flash Dubbing
2,69 €
Sybai Flash Pike Dubbing
1,59 €
Sybai Lite Brite Dubbing
1,69 €
Sybai Peacock Dubbing
1,69 €
Sybai Polar Dubbing
1,59 €
Sybai SLF Blend Dubbing
1,49 €
Sybai SLF Dubbing
1,49 €
Sybai Trilobal Dubbing
2,69 €
Wapsi Crawdub Dubbing
2,99 €
Wapsi Life Cycle Dubbing
2,99 €
Wapsi SLF Prism Dubbing
2,99 €
Wapsi Sow-Scud Dubbing
2,69 €