Fly Tying Vices
Fly tying vices are used in fixing hooks when constructing artificial flies. All vices offered by our fly fishing shop are fit for making most of the lures. With a fly tying vice you’ll be able to make streamers, nymphs, wet flies or very small dry flies. We present economical vices for the beginners and more expensive models for professional fly fishermen or anyone who makes a lot of artificial flies.
19,99 €
De Luxe Master Vice
39,00 €
Regent Revolving W/Base Vice
29,00 €
Royal Vice
259,00 €
Stonfo Elite Vice
169,00 €
Stonfo Fly Tying Kit
94,00 €
Stonfo Flylab C Clamp Vice
128,00 €
Stonfo Flylab Lever Vice
129,00 €