System Foam - Dry Dropper Large (SF-3305DD).
Suited to carry Nymph flies with small indicator and/or split shots in two hook cases.
Avoid carring separate storage system specifically for small indicator/yarn for indicator/split shots.
Set up with Compartment System Case to carry all the material needed to arrange dry dropper rig.
Capable to hold 3-in-1 Nail Knot Pipe [CFA-11] (available separately) onto unique slits under hook cases which are perfect to pick up flies. (only available for L size Dry Dropper System Foam).
- For case:
- Universal System Case - Large.
- Universal System Case With Compartments - Large.
- Light Weight Case - Large.
- Guide Boat Box.
- Fly Patch Chest Storage - Large.
Foam thickness: 5 mm / (0.2inch)
Large: 24 slits 5 rows (120-flies) + 2ea Original Hook Cases
Weight: 31,5 g