Perdigonmania Magical Strips

  • Perdigonmania Magical Strips
1,50 €
/ pcs
Producer: Perdigonmania
Accessibility: in stock

This fly-tying material creates a "smooth, shiny body" with green and UV blue-violet gloss that shifts with the light. Made from lightweight, flat-structured polymers, it’s ideal for nymphs and dry flies. Simply apply your favorite UV resin and tie with the UV gloss side facing up!

5 Strips per pack.


Why one fly tying company dedicated to sell, fly tying materials for perdigones.
Perdigon numphs are developed to fish in dificult rivers:

  • used by competition anglers
  • for presurre water
  • sink very fast and have high durability
  • perdigon nymph small size style
  • flies designed to be simple and effective
  • tied easy and fast even by a beginner in fly tying

So with all these reasons Perdigonmaniarecommend everybody to have a few Perdigones in your fly box!

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