Perdigonmania PAF Strips

  • Perdigonmania PAF Strips
2,80 €
/ pcs
Producer: Perdigonmania
Accessibility: in stock

These unique and very fine strips from Perdigonmania that are ideal for tying the popular perdigon nymph, they change color as the light hits them from different angles, this UV material will greatly increase the effectiveness of any style perdigon. Just apply your favorite UV Resin and your ready too go!

15 Strips per pack.

1mm x 10cm.


Why one fly tying company dedicated to sell, fly tying materials for perdigones.
Perdigon numphs are developed to fish in dificult rivers:

  • used by competition anglers
  • for presurre water
  • sink very fast and have high durability
  • perdigon nymph small size style
  • flies designed to be simple and effective
  • tied easy and fast even by a beginner in fly tying

So with all these reasons Perdigonmaniarecommend everybody to have a few Perdigones in your fly box!
